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Sunflower Trial Report

Study Details

Planted Product: Sunflower

Location: Tekirdağ

Test Area: 3 decares

Control Area: 2 decares

Date of Application: 13.07.2018

BioGas Plus

BioGas Plus; It is a unique organic liquid fertilizer produced by a special process as a result of grinding and suspending organic liquid material and multiple solid organic material mixtures taken from the biogas plant rich in enzymes, in 2 micron size.

Trial Application Stages

On 13.07.2018, a foliar trial application was made with Seleda BioGas in a 13-decare trial area in a corn field in Malkara.

During the pre-harvest controls and the pre-harvest controls, a noticeable difference was observed in tray size and seed density.

In the measurements made during the harvest, 14.7% increase in yield per decare and 2.8% enrichment in oil ratio measurements were observed.